domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015

Social Dig

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Social Dig is a project for Career Targeting Assignment for course What is social? of Northwestern University and Coursera

Part I: High-Value Market

Social Dig


Advice and assistance to hire the best website creators and hosting with the best price and current market trends aimed at Venezuelan companies who have the need to create a website of their own business.

“The idea was born”

Starting from the premise expressed by Professor Randy Hlavac in the video: Your Professional Network "We need someone who can filter through the information and focus us on the best information we need to prosper. "

I have seen entrepreneurs who have created their business with hard work, dedication, experience and now I see that they have a need that their companies to be in digital media.

Although, we are inundated with information of creators website, domain, hosting, App, freelancer, blog, social networks, etc what to choose? Not all of these entrepreneurs has the best information to create their website and those who already have a website, they need to update their sites with new trends, attractive designs and functional.

"Good sign to run my idea"

I've explored through Google browser to see if some of the most important companies in my area have a website of their own business, and I have a surprise: no website, I have only seen their names in Telephone Directories and some website which function as directories of various branches of trade.

I've chosen for my research the companies: in the trade of mobile phones, sales of agricultural equipments, automotive, cosmetics and household equipment.

Part II: Topics

Why there are companies that do not have a website?

They may have several answers but the most common I think it's for lack of better information of who can create the website of their own business? But we know we are surrounded by abundant information of digital strategies but not everyone can channel it and put it in their favor.

A mistake made by entrepreneurs is to hire designers who create web site difficult to navigate which is lost the functionality of being faster browsing with compelling content that it invite the user to stay on site to discover the benefits their products and services.

Also one of the excuses may be: No, have time the entrepreneurs, they are focused on working every day in their business and see the return on their investments and do not have a team in their companies to deal in this area Social media that today it become very important.

Finally I think the power of decision is a possible reason so that companies taken the determination of have presence in the digital world.

Part III: Locate Your High-Value Market on Social

Clearly there is a lot that exploit: What choose from the various creators of websites?
Social Dig is a team of expert social media to provide advice to companies to put them in the digital media, a proactive team to take the initiative to make large enterprises they can fulfill their objectives. The customers is the most important, when customers have success in social media it is the success of the organization.

Social Dig will have a website with quick and easy navigation where will offer their services: social media, website, marketing, graphic design, Google Apps, Analytics & SEO.

As an organization Social Dig will be present in social networks:

LinkedIn is a network to show the profile, mission, experience and debates.

Facebook to manage content on its services tips, etc. to capture the objective hearing and create interesting conversations between visitors.

Twitter by issuing of frequent tweet, the news flows faster, hashtag and relevant content of the organization with the objective to add followers that could be potential customers or target audience.

Pinterest boards to post new ideas and projects: infographics logos, website designs, Apps, etc.

Instagram is a network ideal to share visual content and add followers.

You tube to upload corporate videos, events, news of interest, etc.

The Social Dig website will feature the following categories:


domingo, 23 de agosto de 2015

Wish I Was There Venezuela

Image courtesy of: noticias24 it was downloaded on 08/20/15 

The Capstone has been designed to offer the opportunity that you can show everything you learned in the previous courses:

Content Strategy for Professionals Capstone Project: 
Wish I Was There 
Visual front page for Wish I Was There

Wish I Was There is a web startup fictitious for the Specialization of content strategy the Capstone Project in where participants have to develop a visual model of the web page and a comprehensive plan to interact with your internal and external audiences. 

In my case, Wish I Was There Venezuela, web site:
On the website, its mission is to show the beauties located in the coastal region of the country and the Caribbean Sea: natural parks, Islands and beaches most visited in Venezuela by the national and international audience. Creating effective communication strategies to make their stay very pleasant and achieve the aim of improving the development of tourism in the region.

Specific location in the website will cover: city, state, country, and area of world.

Los Roques Archipelago National Park is a protected area located about 165 km north of La Guaira, on the coast of Venezuela; it covers an area of 221,120 ha. The archipelago consists of 50 islands and 250 cays and shoals of sand and coral reefs surrounding a central lagoon.

Isla Margarita, northern island from Venezuela located in the Caribbean Sea. It has an area of 1,072 km2, is considered the largest island the group of islands that make up the state of Nueva Esparta. Porlamar, the center of the old pearl industry of the island, is the largest city; Pampatar is the main port and the Assumption, the state capital.

Tortuga Island of Venezuela located north of Anzoategui state, about 74 km from the Unare lagoon and 61 km from Cape Codera. Takes part of the Federal Dependencies. It has an area estimated at 150 km2, with a length of 12 km measured from north to south, and 25 km from east to west.

Morrocoy National Park, located in the western coastal area of Venezuela, in Falcon state, nestled around the Gulf Triste. It has an area of 32,090 has continental, insular and maritime landscapes. It has a group of cays and islets formed by the accumulation of coral, sand and remain of mollusks, where water sports are practiced.

Map of tourist destinations

Image courtesy of: it was downloaded on 08/20/15

Image courtesy of: it was downloaded on 08/20/15

Image courtesy of: it was downloaded on 08/20/15

Image courtesy of: Margarita dynasty  it was downloaded on 08/20/15

Image courtesy of:  it was downloaded on 08/20/15

Image courtesy of: it was downloaded on 08/20/15

Image courtesy of: noticias24 it was downloaded on 08/20/15

Image courtesy of:  it was downloaded on 08/20/15

domingo, 26 de julio de 2015


Screenshot of the website: Finest Roots

One of the most traditional Greek spirits and experience 
comes to the Bars from Venezuela 
Want to know what it is?

It is a range of innovative products of 

Roots Spirits has decided to expand its market and offer their products to the Venezuelan Consumer of Spirits. The Greek company has a tradition of 160 years old Greek traditional recipes with unique blends, originating herbs and special ingredients of Greece and the Mediterranean. All drinks are made with 100% natural extracts with no artificial additives.

Roots Spirits is a family business which was established in 1850 in Kalamata, Greece, is the oldest distillery in the country, throughout its trajectory it has been named in several international awards. Its Spirits Roots philosophy is to provide the highest quality true and pure of all its products.

Finest Roots was founded in 2013, the same year came the launch of the innovative collection of 4 products Premium high-end (Mastiha, Rakomelo, Herb Spirit, Tentura), all these products are produced handcrafted in the distillery of family business.

Finest Roots is a brand new, Premium category; here is a brief description of each of the products:

Rakomelo can be enjoyed as a strong hot drink for a day of winter, natural flavor and the sweetness of honey and the Spirit, fruity aroma and golden yellow.

Mastiha, sweet flavor unique to mastiha Mastic (or Mastiha) is the resin of native trees on the island Chios Mastic, elegant aroma, opaque white.

Herb Spirit, to enjoy shooting frozen or on the rocks, ideal for cocktails earthy with layers combined with herbs, subtly fruity, mildly bitter flavor, aroma of fresh herbs, deep brown with shades of orchids.

Tentura, can be served with an appetizer, is relaxing with a rich taste of sweet mint and French vanilla; a sense of smell cedar taste, slightly sweet scent of cinnamon, soft brown with pastel red tones.

Venezuela as a new market for Finest Roots is really possible, the Venezuelan Consumers of Spirits are young men and women between 30 and 45 years old middle class, professionals, workers who decide to take a fun day or weekend with friends, couples, etc. for sharing on: Bars, Clubs, Hotels, Restaurants or in their own homes to celebrate a Special day, Event or just share with friends.

Finest Roots, its Customers are Bars, Special Liquor Stores, Hotels, Specialized Retail Sales, they are necessary for to achieve the positioning of the brand.

Finest Roots can introduce their products in the capital, Caracas and in the main cities of Venezuela. Isla Margarita can also be a major point of distribution and marketing because it is a consuming region of imported products and an important tourist area.

I made a Market Segment through the following links, I do not really know if it's the most ideal because I'm not a specialist in the area but I can see through this links, a large number of consumers of Spirits:

Is a prestigious hotel in the city of Caracas for a more upscale consumer.  Its twitter account currently it has 4,109 followers.
Screenshot of the website: Azahar 

Is an upscale restaurant in Caracas, specializing in the preparation of vanguard of Italian and international food, its twitter account reaches to 11.6 k. followers.
Screenshot of the website: movidanocturnaccs.wordpress_Barriot 

Is a community that works as a website to inform about cocktails, tu has a visitor statistics of its Featured Cocktails and its twitter account reflects around 19.5k followers.

Finest Roots on its official twitter account currently; it has 168 followers.

The followers show potential consumers and marketing strategy used to create relevant content of the brand. 

Finest Roots is completely unknown for the Venezuelan consumers of Spirits and would rate this as new competitors that is entering the market and should facilitate the dissemination of their products.

We have an advantage for introduce Finest Roots; there are cocktails with liqueurs Greeks recognized worldwide as 'Negroni' Campari, 'Manhattan' with gin, vermouth etc. They cannot miss in a bar of Venezuelan.

I presume that the challenge of placing the Roots spirits among the essential spirits of our Bars with this possibility there is a great potential to be fulfilled and convince on taste of innovators consumers and opinion leaders.

Once conducted negotiations with the distributor and importer, it should be initiated the creative marketing strategies with a launch event and invitation to social media. We must promote the art of the cocktail through events and demonstrations of mixology as one of the most important marketing strategies.

The positioning of the brand can be achieved to the extent that Finest Roots making it known and create an identity in the minds of consumers of Spirits.

Finest Roots is an Authentic Brand with large features that consumers of Spirits they should know, here plays an important role the creative marketing strategy to promote the brand and bring products to consumers.

Digital media as: website, blog and social networks are ideal for disseminating information about the products. Twitter social network it is a network in where information flows very quickly to promote events and topics of interest in the brand.

Finest Roots Venezuela needs a website for the Venezuelan public in their language: Spanish. It is a way to make know all its products, history, traditions that are so important for the family business must be connected to social networks that currently have and interact with the community that follow to Finest Roots. The most important innovation of the Value Proposition offered by Finest Roots is their products 100% natural with no chemical additives.

Finest Roots has an approach that considers an importer and distributor to premium class entrepreneurs. For example: Diageo is internationally recognized and it has a presence in Venezuela could be part of Distribution Network and expand the portfolio of partners with the products of brand.

Finest Roots should choose the distribution channel: an indirect and specialized channel to bring the products to final consumers.

Finest Roots also believes that if small and medium-sized enterprises know the brand and they are willing to put your effort into promoting, the company can introduce their products. This is a key to reach Venezuelan consumer of spirits is necessary create the Channel Design for this purpose because we can achieve view the customer experience in their four stages: Pre -Consumption, Purchase, Consumption, and Post-Consumption.

domingo, 28 de junio de 2015

Empresas Polar the Company No. 1 in the Heart of Venezuelans

Empresas Polar is a Venezuelan company that started its business with a brewery named Cervecería Polar founded by Lorenzo Alejandro Mendoza Fleury, Rafael Luján and Karl Eggers in Antímano Caracas in 1941. It stands as the largest and best known Venezuelan company in the country. As time went on the company has been constantly growing in the sector and has diversified its business into, processing and packaging of food for domestic consumption and export as well as to market their products to markets abroad.

The Mission of Empresas Polar is to produce, distribute and provide food and beverage products in order to meet the needs and fulfill the expectations of the Venezuelan population, providing them with the best quality products at the best prices.

Empresas Polar has a commitment of meet the challenges and difficulties and change them into opportunities for growing and looking forward to the future they want from their country Venezuela. The workers work with love for their company also carried out other roles of participate and providing solidarity to the most vulnerable sectors of the population.

The rationale behind the company is to contribute to the quality of life of Venezuelans and their families, generally to people of low income and middle class who is its target Audience, allowing them to purchase a variety of food and beverage brands with affordable prices. 

Empresas Polar showed its concern in for country's economic problems at a meeting held in Caracas on February 28, 2014 as reported by the Venezuelan newspaper El Universal, It was held at the Commission of Truth in the economic sphere; (AVN) the Executive President of Empresas Polar Lorenzo Mendoza participated and proposed 12 points to solve the economic problems that the country has suffered in recent years.

These points can be summarized as: "increased production", "substitute imports" and payment of the debt of imports that possess the companies in the country. Especially the government should evaluate the measures and actions between the public sector and the private sector to serve the most vulnerable people in the field of food security.

Finally, but not least The national Government must ensure a system of access to foreign exchange: dynamic, efficient and transparent so that the production sector of the country can pay its suppliers and revive international credit lines, as well it is known by Venezuelans that in all economic sub-sectors haves been affected by the economic crisis and the deficient acquisition of foreign exchange for the production of goods and services in the country. 

In another context with respect to the economic crisis which crosses Venezuela and that has worsened in this year the population has maintained in the social networks commenting to about this issue whereby the Datanálisis polling firm conducted a Survey the last April on the possible actions of the national government in against of Empresas Polar.

According to the data of Datanálisis, the majority of Venezuelans have shown their support to the company during the National Household Survey, in which, 2,000 people participated in face to face in the interview of survey. The results revealed that most respondents recognize the management of Empresas Polar and its effort to reach households despite the crisis. 

Recently on June 25, 2015 the newsroom of Cerveceria Polar (The brewery of Empresas Polar) informed the illegal withholding of their products in storage centers of the company by the Venezuelan official agency Sundde and GNB. They performing the closure of several storage centers of Cerveceria Polar located in the states of Aragua and Carabobo. This fact occurs at a time when a group of trade unionists tries to claim a shutdown of operations in the center of the country according to the statement by Gustavo Gúzman, Corporate Manager of labor legal matters of the company.

The inspiring message of Lorenzo Mendoza that led his workers what caused positive impression on social networks with the messages from users full of optimism and admiration to the Executive President of Empresas Polar. Part of the message:  “…My message of hope to the youth is that this country has much more to offer than any country outside, as people that migrate, the second thing I want to say is that somehow it is very important that yourself must analyze your reality and your personal context, and you make your decision”.

Within this business group, there is a future; there are an approach to keep thinking forward, to continue working and keep producing and creating opportunities. Welcome those who want to be here. Who? Do not, I'm sorry, but others will come. I would like all those we are here, you retire here and take your life and successful career that will you give wellness for you and your family; here we will continue paddling in the right direction”.

By last to adding to this space with a nice note on the favorite brands of Venezuela and a product of Empresas Polar, the “Harina P.A.N” (precooked corn flour) the Chef Lorena Garcia from Venezuela, owner of restaurants in the United States and a philanthropist is excited to inspire consumers with the elaboration of her recipes of arepas and other dishes with Harina P.A.N. She asserts that P.A.N has an advantage by being certified in the United States 100% free of gluten.