My first Blog Venezuela
My first blog Venezuela offers content and learning experience from Coursera and edX online courses about Web development, Social Media Marketing and more by Luznery Vera
lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2017
What You can Learn by Taking Online Courses
Hi there!
It is not a novelty to find interesting online courses on many subjects on a daily basis, they have become an important part of students and professionals to stay updated in relation to their preferences or work activities.
I am an enthusiast of the online courses, preferably the Coursera and edX platforms. I would like to share with you that if you can learn Web Development from scratch. I have learned to code with the courses I have taken and I still have a lot to learn. In addition to learning to code, you must follow the Best Practices. In this publication I am going to demonstrate the creation of a Photo Gallery.
The Photo Gallery contains some natural beauties of my country Venezuela, the characteristic of these beauties is that they can be perceived throughout the year. No need to wait for a special season, my country is a tropical country which is the same climate at any time of year, sometimes we feel colder or hotter but Venezuelans love them their climate.
You are going to see it through my project that I did in the course Learn Responsive Web Design. I'm going to make you frank not everything I demonstrate in this project I learned in this course, I had done other courses before because I live in constant learning and I always want to learn more. I am of the people who think while you have a chance to study or do anything in the right way you have to go for it. There are many great online courses, choose the one that best suits you and earn time and opportunities.
What courses I have taken from Responsive Web design?
Taking advantage of the fact that I have mentioned other courses, the courses are in order of importance of personal nature:
1) Web Design For Everybody Specialization
It is a specialization program designed by the University of Michigan which contains 4 courses and the Capstone project for this program of specialization does not need prior knowledge, this is a great achievement of coursera that I applaud and thank because it was the beginning of my desire to learn Web development.
2) HTML5 Coding Essentials and Best Practices
This course is part of a Professional Certificate Program designed by The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
The course is aimed at students with previous knowledge of Html, CSS, JavaScript, classified in an intermediate level its Instructor Michel Buffa Professor University Côte d'Azur, He is the maximum, I remember that he was the award-winning with the first place as the Professor preferred by the edx student community. Well, here you will learn how to create great sites and Best practices.
3) W3Schools
While learning to encode and after learning the w3schools tutorials are a great help. W3schools has its own library, W3CSS that I used in almost 90% of this project.
4) Learn Responsive Web Design Learn Responsive Web Design
Here you will learn the basics of responsive design is a course designed by the University of London is part of the specialization program Responsive Website Development and Design for a greater learning with this course the student must havpossess knowledge of Html, CSS and JavaScript.
About Travel Venezuela
My project is a mockup of a travel website Travel Venezuela that has a navigation scroll bar, this means that the navigation bar will be in front of you while navigating the site down what can be useful to go to another page.
Also in the design there are 3 Parallax, it is called so because an image is used throughout the width of the page is very similar to Hero image that you have probably seen in the top of a site web, that type of design has been in trend in the last years this is done to attract the attention of the visitor.
Finally the photo gallery with the most emblematic landscapes of my dear Venezuela, this project in a responsive design that you can see in all the devices in addition you can see the big images in the large screens.
Note: The images used in Travel Venezuela are images from Wikipedia Creative Commons.
Enjoy it! :)
Ah! And as always I would like to know your thoughts, all comments are welcome.
lunes, 26 de junio de 2017
How to find topics of interest in Klout
Klout is a free application that measures the influence and relevance of its users in social networks qualify them online through the "Klout Score". You can create your Klout account by means of your account on facebook, twitter or email.
Once your Klout account has been created edit your profile and add all your social networks so that Klout can make your measurement.
You should edit your topics of preference to receive topics of interest and as well as suggested content of the application. Schedule the content you want to share and measure your contribution on social networks. As more you share content of interest, your influence increases and you gain followers.
Now the tutorial, How to find topics of interest in Klout?. Through the images below you can follow step by step how to add topics of interest. For this tutorial we will choose the theme of Art and artist.
Step 1
Click on explore, the "My Themes" box will open.
Step 2
Click edit
Step 3
Typing "art"
Step 4
I have selected for this example "Art and artists". You can select your preference with a maximum of 30 topics of interest.
Step 5
Checked if I made the selection well.
Step 6
Click on Confirm changes.
Step 7
Click on explores, it will update "My Themes".
Step 8
Click "My Themes". I selected "Art and artists".
Step 9
For this example I will select the expert "Tate".
Now I can see all the articles of this expert. I'm going to select the article "The EY Exhibition: Picasso 1932 – Love, Fame, Tragedy - Exhibition at Tate Modern" click on the article.
And this way you find the topics of interest in Klout.
Using this handy and easy-to-use application, you'll learn how to get the most out of it. What is your experience with Klout? Please, share it in the comments section below.
sábado, 18 de marzo de 2017
King Felipe VI of Spain awards Engineer Shigeo Takahashi for his work against Tsunamis
Screenshot courtesy of elpais
The King Felipe VI honors the Engineer Shigeo Takahashi with the award for Civil Engineering for his outstanding professional career and work against the Tsunamis.
The expert Engineer was recognized by the jury as "international benchmark".
The King Felipe VI honors the Engineer Shigeo Takahashi with the award for Civil Engineering for
his outstanding professional career and work against the tsunamis, this
Tuesday, March 14 at the Escuela Técnica de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, in
Madrid. The event corresponds to the IV edition of the José Entrecanales Ibarra
has contributed with his valuable work and research to forecast coastal
disasters. The expert Engineer was recognized by the jury as "international benchmark" for his almost 50 years of experience in the prevention of Tsunamis.
The King has highlighted it as "one of the most important
worldwide recognitions in civil engineering". Takahashi thanked him for
his award with an emotional speech explaining that the key lesson the Japanese
have learned from catastrophes is that they must be prepared for disaster.
chairs the Coastal Development Institute of Technology, a research center
dedicated to predicting and preventing tsunamis. In his speech, the Engineer
said that a "correct and orderly" evacuation is the best way to
prevent the threat of a Tsunami. The Engineer reminded those present the
Tsunami that struck Japan on March 11, 2011 that left more than 15,000
After the tsunami of 2011 was evident "the demand to improve
coastal defensive structures." The
security measures taken at that time were overcome by the tsunami: The
breakwater against tsunami in the industrial port of Kamaishi, the levees that
protected the international airport of Sendai and the wall that protected the
nuclear power station of Fukushima, causing "disastrous
has said that the defenses of the nuclear power plants "were renewed after
the catastrophe" and that some of them are inactive, resulting in a rise
in the price of electricity. In response "it was assumed naturally by the
population, who prefers to pay more than assume the effects of this type of
Before a
tsunami Shigeo Takahashi, the doctor in engineering by the University of Tokyo
explained that, once given the alarm. Citizens will have an average time of 30
minutes to go to an elevated terrain that will allow them to be safe,
"considering a building between 15 and 20 meters as a minimum security
cannot predict exactly when an earthquake will occur," said Takahashi to efeverde.
However, thanks to "GPS monitoring and pressure sensors on the seabed, we
are better prepared for such a calamity." In this context, also he
affirmed that for an earthquake to cause a "serious" threat of
tsunami, he must indicate a minimum of 7 degrees on the Richter scale.
The expert
also pointed: According to studies of this natural phenomenon; “This type of
seismic movements occur cyclically every 100 or 300 years.” Japan has one of
the most advanced systems in the world to defend its coastline against the
threat of tsunamis.
Tsunami is
a natural phenomenon caused by submarine earthquakes and originates along the
so-called Ring of Fire an area of volcanoes of important seismic activity of
about 35,000 km in length that surrounds the Pacific Ocean.
About the writer:
Luznery Vera studies Social Marketing in Coursera
El Rey Felipe VI galardona al Ingeniero Shigeo Takahashi por su trabajo contra los Tsunamis
Screenshot cortesía de elpais
El Rey Felipe VI galardona al Ingeniero Shigeo Takahashi con el premio a la Ingeniería Civil por
su destacada trayectoria profesional y trabajo contra los Tsunamis.
El experto Ingeniero fue reconocido por el jurado como “referente internacional”.
El Rey Felipe VI galardona al ingeniero Shigeo Takahashi con el premio a la Ingeniería Civil por
su destacada trayectoria profesional y trabajo contra los Tsunamis, este martes
14 de Marzo en la Escuela Técnica de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, en Madrid. El
evento corresponde a la IV edición de los Premios José Entrecanales Ibarra.
Takahashi ha
contribuido valiosamente con sus trabajos e investigaciones a la previsión de
desastres costeros.
El experto
Ingeniero fue reconocido por el jurado
como “referente internacional” por su casi 50 años de experiencia en la
prevención de Tsunamis.
El Rey lo ha
destacado como “uno de los reconocimientos mundiales más importantes en la
ingeniería civil”.
agradeció el premio que le fue otorgado con un emotivo discurso explicando que
la lección clave que han aprendido los japoneses ante las catástrofes es que
deben estar preparados para el desastre.
Takahashi preside
el Coastal Development Institute of Technology, centro de estudios dedicada a
la investigación para predecir y prevenir tsunamis.
En su intervención
el Ingeniero afirmó que una evacuación "correcta y ordenada" es la
mejor forma de prevención ante la amenaza de un Tsunami. El Ingeniero recordó a
los presentes el Tsunami que asoló Japón el 11 de marzo de 2011 que dejó más de 15.000
víctimas mortales.
Después del Tsunami del 2011 fue evidente “la exigencia de
mejorar las estructuras defensivas costeras”. Las medidas
de seguridad que se tomaron para aquel entonces fueron superaras por el Tsunami: El rompeolas contra maremotos en el puerto industrial de Kamaishi, los
diques que protegían el aeropuerto Internacional de Sendai y el muro que
protegía la central nuclear de Fukushima, originando “desastrosas
Takahashi ha
asegurado que las defensas de las centrales nucleares “fueron renovadas tras la
catástrofe” y que algunas de ellas están inactivas dando como consecuencia el
alza del precio del servicio eléctrico.
En respuesta a la catástrofe “fue asumida con naturalidad por la población,
que prefiere pagar más que asumir los efectos de este tipo de desastres”.
Ante un tsunami Shigeo Takahashi, el doctor en ingeniería
por la Universidad de Tokio explicó que, una vez dada la alarma. Los ciudadanos
tendrán un tiempo promedio de 30 minutos para dirigirse hacia un terreno
elevado que les permitirá estar a salvo, “considerando un edificio de entre 15
y 20 metros como una altura mínima de seguridad”.
“No podemos predecir con exactitud cuándo se producirá un
terremoto” así lo afirmó Takahashi para efeverde sin embargo, gracias a la “monitorización por GPS y a sensores de presión en el
fondo marino, estamos mejor preparados ante una calamidad así”. En este
contexto precisó que para que un terremoto provoque una amenaza “seria” de
tsunami, el debe indicar un mínimo de 7 grados en la escala de Richter.
El experto también declaró según los estudios sobre este fenómeno natural “esta clase de movimientos sísmicos
suceden de forma cíclica cada 100 o 300 años”. Japón cuenta con uno
de los sistemas más avanzados del mundo para defender su litoral frente a la
amenaza de los maremotos.
Tsunami es un fenómeno natural provocado por
terremotos submarinos y se originan a lo largo del denominado Anillo de Fuego. Una
zona de volcanes de importante actividad sísmica de unos 35.000 km de
longitud que rodea el océano Pacífico.
viernes, 3 de febrero de 2017
Implementing microdata to a page
An example of an Implementing microdata to a page. Below is a series of images for this project. The itemscope, itemtype and itemprop attributes used on it
The project can see it in codepen.
lunes, 30 de enero de 2017
Learn to Create a Cool Responsive Design
To create a Responsive Design you only need imagination and your skills with the Html5 and CSS3 languages. Boutique Online Store is a project with a dropdown navigation bar, modal image, photo gallery and some animation effects.
I want to add that the project has been checked without errors by Validator W3C
Below the images used in the project.
All code here
And Full Page here
The project also you can see it in Github here
If anyone is interested in sharing with me any question about the code, I will be happy to discuss it with you.
Happy code!
domingo, 29 de enero de 2017
Learn How to Create Responsive Design from Scratch
I am excited to create this project and how easy it was to achieve a responsive design. It only has a little difficulty with the gallery of images but the whole structure of the page is simple and looks great. The project has been examined without errors by Validator W3C.
And in it was not used a framework. However I used w3.css to create a cool animation and bootstrap to use glyphicon-chevron-up to direct the page to the top because I love the animations.
Below are images used in it.
I would like to know if anyone is interested in learning and sharing it with me.
All encoding here
And the Full Page here
Happy code!
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