domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015

Social Dig

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Social Dig is a project for Career Targeting Assignment for course What is social? of Northwestern University and Coursera

Part I: High-Value Market

Social Dig


Advice and assistance to hire the best website creators and hosting with the best price and current market trends aimed at Venezuelan companies who have the need to create a website of their own business.

“The idea was born”

Starting from the premise expressed by Professor Randy Hlavac in the video: Your Professional Network "We need someone who can filter through the information and focus us on the best information we need to prosper. "

I have seen entrepreneurs who have created their business with hard work, dedication, experience and now I see that they have a need that their companies to be in digital media.

Although, we are inundated with information of creators website, domain, hosting, App, freelancer, blog, social networks, etc what to choose? Not all of these entrepreneurs has the best information to create their website and those who already have a website, they need to update their sites with new trends, attractive designs and functional.

"Good sign to run my idea"

I've explored through Google browser to see if some of the most important companies in my area have a website of their own business, and I have a surprise: no website, I have only seen their names in Telephone Directories and some website which function as directories of various branches of trade.

I've chosen for my research the companies: in the trade of mobile phones, sales of agricultural equipments, automotive, cosmetics and household equipment.

Part II: Topics

Why there are companies that do not have a website?

They may have several answers but the most common I think it's for lack of better information of who can create the website of their own business? But we know we are surrounded by abundant information of digital strategies but not everyone can channel it and put it in their favor.

A mistake made by entrepreneurs is to hire designers who create web site difficult to navigate which is lost the functionality of being faster browsing with compelling content that it invite the user to stay on site to discover the benefits their products and services.

Also one of the excuses may be: No, have time the entrepreneurs, they are focused on working every day in their business and see the return on their investments and do not have a team in their companies to deal in this area Social media that today it become very important.

Finally I think the power of decision is a possible reason so that companies taken the determination of have presence in the digital world.

Part III: Locate Your High-Value Market on Social

Clearly there is a lot that exploit: What choose from the various creators of websites?
Social Dig is a team of expert social media to provide advice to companies to put them in the digital media, a proactive team to take the initiative to make large enterprises they can fulfill their objectives. The customers is the most important, when customers have success in social media it is the success of the organization.

Social Dig will have a website with quick and easy navigation where will offer their services: social media, website, marketing, graphic design, Google Apps, Analytics & SEO.

As an organization Social Dig will be present in social networks:

LinkedIn is a network to show the profile, mission, experience and debates.

Facebook to manage content on its services tips, etc. to capture the objective hearing and create interesting conversations between visitors.

Twitter by issuing of frequent tweet, the news flows faster, hashtag and relevant content of the organization with the objective to add followers that could be potential customers or target audience.

Pinterest boards to post new ideas and projects: infographics logos, website designs, Apps, etc.

Instagram is a network ideal to share visual content and add followers.

You tube to upload corporate videos, events, news of interest, etc.

The Social Dig website will feature the following categories: