domingo, 26 de julio de 2015


Screenshot of the website: Finest Roots

One of the most traditional Greek spirits and experience 
comes to the Bars from Venezuela 
Want to know what it is?

It is a range of innovative products of 

Roots Spirits has decided to expand its market and offer their products to the Venezuelan Consumer of Spirits. The Greek company has a tradition of 160 years old Greek traditional recipes with unique blends, originating herbs and special ingredients of Greece and the Mediterranean. All drinks are made with 100% natural extracts with no artificial additives.

Roots Spirits is a family business which was established in 1850 in Kalamata, Greece, is the oldest distillery in the country, throughout its trajectory it has been named in several international awards. Its Spirits Roots philosophy is to provide the highest quality true and pure of all its products.

Finest Roots was founded in 2013, the same year came the launch of the innovative collection of 4 products Premium high-end (Mastiha, Rakomelo, Herb Spirit, Tentura), all these products are produced handcrafted in the distillery of family business.

Finest Roots is a brand new, Premium category; here is a brief description of each of the products:

Rakomelo can be enjoyed as a strong hot drink for a day of winter, natural flavor and the sweetness of honey and the Spirit, fruity aroma and golden yellow.

Mastiha, sweet flavor unique to mastiha Mastic (or Mastiha) is the resin of native trees on the island Chios Mastic, elegant aroma, opaque white.

Herb Spirit, to enjoy shooting frozen or on the rocks, ideal for cocktails earthy with layers combined with herbs, subtly fruity, mildly bitter flavor, aroma of fresh herbs, deep brown with shades of orchids.

Tentura, can be served with an appetizer, is relaxing with a rich taste of sweet mint and French vanilla; a sense of smell cedar taste, slightly sweet scent of cinnamon, soft brown with pastel red tones.

Venezuela as a new market for Finest Roots is really possible, the Venezuelan Consumers of Spirits are young men and women between 30 and 45 years old middle class, professionals, workers who decide to take a fun day or weekend with friends, couples, etc. for sharing on: Bars, Clubs, Hotels, Restaurants or in their own homes to celebrate a Special day, Event or just share with friends.

Finest Roots, its Customers are Bars, Special Liquor Stores, Hotels, Specialized Retail Sales, they are necessary for to achieve the positioning of the brand.

Finest Roots can introduce their products in the capital, Caracas and in the main cities of Venezuela. Isla Margarita can also be a major point of distribution and marketing because it is a consuming region of imported products and an important tourist area.

I made a Market Segment through the following links, I do not really know if it's the most ideal because I'm not a specialist in the area but I can see through this links, a large number of consumers of Spirits:

Is a prestigious hotel in the city of Caracas for a more upscale consumer.  Its twitter account currently it has 4,109 followers.
Screenshot of the website: Azahar 

Is an upscale restaurant in Caracas, specializing in the preparation of vanguard of Italian and international food, its twitter account reaches to 11.6 k. followers.
Screenshot of the website: movidanocturnaccs.wordpress_Barriot 

Is a community that works as a website to inform about cocktails, tu has a visitor statistics of its Featured Cocktails and its twitter account reflects around 19.5k followers.

Finest Roots on its official twitter account currently; it has 168 followers.

The followers show potential consumers and marketing strategy used to create relevant content of the brand. 

Finest Roots is completely unknown for the Venezuelan consumers of Spirits and would rate this as new competitors that is entering the market and should facilitate the dissemination of their products.

We have an advantage for introduce Finest Roots; there are cocktails with liqueurs Greeks recognized worldwide as 'Negroni' Campari, 'Manhattan' with gin, vermouth etc. They cannot miss in a bar of Venezuelan.

I presume that the challenge of placing the Roots spirits among the essential spirits of our Bars with this possibility there is a great potential to be fulfilled and convince on taste of innovators consumers and opinion leaders.

Once conducted negotiations with the distributor and importer, it should be initiated the creative marketing strategies with a launch event and invitation to social media. We must promote the art of the cocktail through events and demonstrations of mixology as one of the most important marketing strategies.

The positioning of the brand can be achieved to the extent that Finest Roots making it known and create an identity in the minds of consumers of Spirits.

Finest Roots is an Authentic Brand with large features that consumers of Spirits they should know, here plays an important role the creative marketing strategy to promote the brand and bring products to consumers.

Digital media as: website, blog and social networks are ideal for disseminating information about the products. Twitter social network it is a network in where information flows very quickly to promote events and topics of interest in the brand.

Finest Roots Venezuela needs a website for the Venezuelan public in their language: Spanish. It is a way to make know all its products, history, traditions that are so important for the family business must be connected to social networks that currently have and interact with the community that follow to Finest Roots. The most important innovation of the Value Proposition offered by Finest Roots is their products 100% natural with no chemical additives.

Finest Roots has an approach that considers an importer and distributor to premium class entrepreneurs. For example: Diageo is internationally recognized and it has a presence in Venezuela could be part of Distribution Network and expand the portfolio of partners with the products of brand.

Finest Roots should choose the distribution channel: an indirect and specialized channel to bring the products to final consumers.

Finest Roots also believes that if small and medium-sized enterprises know the brand and they are willing to put your effort into promoting, the company can introduce their products. This is a key to reach Venezuelan consumer of spirits is necessary create the Channel Design for this purpose because we can achieve view the customer experience in their four stages: Pre -Consumption, Purchase, Consumption, and Post-Consumption.